News about VET from Germany

We provide the latest news about vocational training from Germany and international collaboration with German partners.

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Advanced vocational training well-established

There are few OECD (Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development) countries where the vocational education and training system is as well-established as in Germany, Austria and Switzerland. The transition from school to professional life is comparatively smooth in all three of these countries, last but not least due to the manifold options available in the field of vocational training and continuing education.

Beijing learns from Bottrop Vocational College

The "Fengtai Vocational Education Center School" in China shows great interest in dual system vocational education and training. The exchange programme is in high demand also amongst college students in Bottrop.

From the lecture theatre to the crafts

Skilled trades provide university dropouts with career prospects.

Master craftsman Bafög more attractive

Federal Education Minister Johanna Wanka (CDU - Christian Democratic Union) wants to create incentives for young craftsmen.

Jointly strengthening dual system vocational education and training!

Federal government, industry, unions and federal states forge an alliance.

Award: the best German saddler apprentice is Moroccan

Fouad Kilouli is the countrywide best graduate of the 2014 examination class of luxury bag makers - a skilled trade of the saddlers guild. With his development work he now safeguards 50 jobs at a business near Frankfurt am Main.

Germany - vocational training for the highly talented - A success story

The scholarship programme Stiftung für Begabtenförderung (foundation supporting the gifted and talented) for young vocational graduates was established over 20 years ago. Since then, around 96 000 young professionals in Germany have profited from support towards their professional qualifications.

What's the missing link for Europe's young, educated and unemployed?

The necessity of the college degree is beginning to be questioned. With youth unemployment in Europe at 24 % in 2013 and thousands of graduates coming out of university every year without jobs to go into, there is an increasing feeling that there is a missing link somewhere between education and employment.

Germany - ensuring successful apprenticeships

Almost a quarter of all apprenticeship contracts are terminated before completion - a rate that alarms all affected parties. This is exactly what the Berufsbildungswerk Südhessen (bbw - Vocational Training Centre South Hessen) innovative service provision addresses.